Step into the driver’s seat of your health and well-being

Do you, your partner, or child experience?

Poor impulse control
Social challenges
Difficulty focusing or paying attention
Impaired decision making
Lack of sleep
Difficulty connecting
Light sensitivity

Brain Fog
Low Immunity
Picky eating
Extended tantrums
Inability to make eye contact
Sensory Processing Disorders

If yes, a more regulated nervous system can help

How would it feel to greet each day from a calm, resilient, flexible, social and engaged place?

One of the greatest gifts you can give yourself, your children, family, co-workers and friends is a more regulated nervous system.

This program is designed for adults, parents, bosses, children, and really any human living in this wildly dysregulated world.

The Safe and Sound Protocol Group Program is a profoundly transformative methodology of nervous system repair that empowers you to step into the drivers seat of your life for your own health and well-being, as well as those around you.

Is this your reality yet?

The Safe and Sound Protocol Group Program

Next cohort begins in early June. Join the waitlist for details

Over 6 weeks you will learn about the nervous system and its impact on emotional regulation in you, your children, family members, co-workers and friends, especially following periods of chronic stress, adversity and trauma. The program involves full access to the Safe and Sound Listening Protocol (SSP), 4 hour-long live workshops with me, Darby Jackson, 2 live Q+A sessions, and access to our private Facebook page. Receive hands on support as you take yourself, children, partner, or even the whole family through the SSP. Plus, you’ll develop a powerful toolbox of somatic practices to regulate and repair the nervous system both long term and in the heat of the moment.

The state of your nervous system doesn’t just impact you, it also impacts those around you.

Remember: Healthy regulated nervous systems can end cycles that continue to reinforce our greatest challenges

What’s included in the 6-week SSP Group Program:

Four Live Calls + 2 Live Q+A’s ($1000 value)

Live calls are held 4x over the 6 week period via Zoom. Every minute of these calls is filled with information on the nervous system, vagus nerve, somatic practices, and regulation techniques. I believe the more empowered we are with information about our body and how it works, the more we can take accountability and begin to make changes to step into the greatest version of ourselves.

The full schedule for our next cohort in June will be announced soon. Workshops are typically held on Tuesday mornings at 9am PST. All workshops are recorded and sent to participants afterwards. Each call is approximately 60 minutes in length. Each call (module) will have a specific focus and end with a 10 minute Q+A.

Q+A’s will be held on our “off” weeks. These office hour style live question and answer sessions will be held twice throughout the program. These will also be recorded and sent out to all participants.

Access to the Safe and Sound Protocol Listening Program ($650 value)

Vagus nerve stimulation through algorithmically filtered music is one of the fastest and most effective ways to help bring resiliency and tone back to the nervous system. Meet: The Safe and Sound Protocol (SSP).

The Safe and Sound Protocol (SSP) is a vagal nerve stimulator program that uses music, paired with over-the-ear headphones, to shift the nervous system to be more present and regulated while improving capacity for connection and receptivity. Suitable for children and adults, the SSP has demonstrated benefits for assisting individuals with trauma, anxiety, stress, ADHD, sensory processing differences, emotional regulation and more.

As a part of this 6-week group course, you will be given access to the SSP. The SSP music program involves 5 hours of specifically filtered music spread across the duration of this program. During Workshop 1, I spend a great deal of time going through the program, walk you and anyone else in your household participating through the setup process and discuss how to administer the listening program. You and anyone else you’ve signed up will be doing the SSP listening throughout the 6 week course, giving you plenty of time to complete it before the program is over.

Please note, listening sessions are anywhere from 15-45 minutes in length, 6-7x per week and done on your own time, outside of our workshops. I suggest you block off anywhere from 45-60 minutes per day for setup, listening and then integration following listening sessions.

Community and Support (Invaluable)

Raising children, working, and just living in today’s world can feel immensely heavy and exhausting. Meet other humans, parents, adults and friends on a similar healing journey and build real relationships and connections. Connecting with others who have similar interests, questions and concerns can feel like a weight has been lifted off your shoulders. You will connect with other like-minded people on our live calls as well as our Private Facebook Group. This page will serve as a space for you to ask questions, get support and connect with a community on a similar journey. I will be in the Facebook Group Page daily answering your questions as you go.

Remember, your entire human experience changes depending on whether or not we feel at home and safe inside of our body.

Once You’ve Completed the Program:

  • You will have completed the entire Safe and Sound Protocol Listening Program. This profoundly healing program will leave you, your partner, child, and/or family with a stronger, more toned vagus nerve.

  • You will understand how to better support your own nervous system, no matter where you are in your healing journey.

  • You will understand how to better support your child’s, partner’s and friend’s nervous systems.

  • You will have a deeper knowledge of co-regulation and how that plays out in a family system, at the office, with friends and with family.

  • You will have a toolbox for both long and short term nervous system management.

  • You will have a deeper understand of the nervous system, vagus nerve and polyvagal theory.

  • You will be in the driver’s seat of your nervous system regulation.  

  • You will know how to help your child get un-stuck from nervous system dysregulation.

  • You will understand which foods and lifestyle tricks help support the nervous system and which are dysregulating.

  • You will have the tools to regulate yourself, as well as those around you after trauma, stress or illness.

  • You will have a toolbox of somatic practices to help you access stored trauma and begin healing.

Program Testimonials

I used to not be able to work without fully going into an activated stress state, which was making me sick all the time. I’m way more aware of what my body feels like going into this state, and can usually use this awareness to calm down. Before SSP, I was in a difficult place in my relationships because of a few traumas, and after SSP I have been able to regulate my emotions better in my relationships. Sometimes I regulate in my own, and sometimes I reach out to friends to process issues, but overall I feel more aware of all of this and better equipped. I was also in a state of being disconnected from myself, which was really really hard. SSP helped me start to feel safe in my own body again. There’s still more to do to feel fully safe again, but I was amazed how much it helped especially since I’ve been in therapy for over 10 years.
— Jessica F.
I was feeling defeated, overstimulated, and really struggling with anxiety and panic attacks. After the SSP I feel hopeful, safe in my body, and haven’t had a panic attack since completing the program.
— Kacey T.
My husband said a week after my daughter finished the listening “Wow, she is like a new person!”
— Leslie A.
Before SSP, I would find myself in ‘fight or flight’ in the mornings when I had the baby and had to get myself and all my kids ready and to school on time. After SSP, I move through the mornings with ease and don’t get rattled. Before SSP, I struggled with being on time. After SSP, while I am still occasionally late, I am on time more frequently and when I’m not I don’t feel as upset about it. Before SSP, something like packing and (airplane) traveling with my baby would have made me very stressed and anxious. After SSP, I just took a trip that required two flights in the same day with my baby, and didn’t feel anxious at all about it. Tired, but not anxious.”
— Emily A.
Definitely a sense of calm and way less reactive. I almost feel like before doing the program I couldn’t handle multiple things going on at once (e.g. I am cooking dinner and my kids are yelling at each other in the living room) but now I just don’t feel so pulled by distractions. I have been sleeping really well and probably could sleep more if my little rascals would let me. I do just feel a lightness and enthusiasm that is new and really aligning nicely with spring and sun and warmth. I really do feel a difference and am very grateful!”
— Carly W.
My daughter was very suddenly diagnosed with ADHD and anxiety disorder that resulted in severe dysregulation. We had seen a holistic doctor and had her in therapy with minimal change. Even half way through the program she was able to regulate more effectively and was able to start communicating her needs and feelings
— Whitney V.

This is What You Will Learn During the SSP Group Program:

Workshop 1: Introduction to The Nervous System, Polyvagal Theory and The Safe and Sound Protocol

  • What is the nervous system and why is it so important?

  • How is the nervous system applicable in everyday life?

  • Polyvagal Theory explained

  • The Safe and Sound Protocol (SSP): What is it, how does it work?

  • How to get your household set up with the SSP

  • SSP listening session best practices

  • **Please note, you will need over ear headphones for all SSP participants

  • **You MUST watch this entire module before starting the SSP

Workshop 2: Nutritional Approaches: Food, Nutrition and Mindset

  • The gut brain axis

  • Inflammation and neurotransmitters

  • Foods to choose and avoid for a healthy nervous system

  • Probiotics and nervous system health

  • Picky eating and nervous system regulation

  • Daily, child-focused activities for a healthy, toned vagus nerve

  • Trauma, mindset and stored emotion and tips to start to release and heal.

Lesson 3: Lifestyle for Nervous System Management

  • Somatic practices for trauma release

  • The impact of illness, trauma and chronic stress on the nervous system

  • Completing the trauma cycle

  • Fascia and trauma holding and release

  • The heart-brain axis  and importance of your “vagal brake” for a flexible, adaptable and resilient nervous system

  • EMF’s and their impact on the nervous system

  • Somatic practices for relief

  • The nervous system – sleep connection

Lesson 4: The Nervous System is Your Most Powerful Tool as a Parent, Spouse, Boss, Partner and Human

  • What is co-regulation

  • The power of nervous system entrainment

  • Parent / child physiological synchronization

  • Voice, music and play for children, relationships and the workplace

  • The definition of interoception and sensations within the body

  • Feelings as power. How to tune into them instead of suppress them

  • SSP for parents and caregivers

  • SSP listening wrap up + live sharing from group participants on SSP completion

Why Group Coaching?

Group coaching is the perfect opportunity for busy people, parents, caretakers, entrepreneurs, health enthusiasts, and athletes, to gain access to The SSP, learn in-depth knowledge about the nervous system, get questions answered, tune into somatic work and work directly with a health practitioner in an affordable and convenient format.

Group coaching also creates a container in which you can learn and grow with other like-minded people. Group program meetings are held live 4x throughout the 6 weeks all via Zoom. All calls will be recorded and emailed out after each session, but we highly encourage you to attend live, especially to get specific questions answered in the Q+A.

Two additional Q+A’s will be held during “off” weeks to support anyone with questions. These office hour style calls will also be recorded and sent out to all participants.

The June Group Program Schedule Will be Announced Soon!

Workshops are usually held on Tuesday morning at 9am PST. All workshops are recorded and sent out to participants afterwards. Stay tuned for details!


You, your partner, child and whomever else you are supporting during the program, will participate in independent SSP listening sessions in between modules. Please leave 45-60 minutes per day 6-7x per week for this. We do not recommend listening at the same time as your child/children. You will need to create additional, separate space for your listening sessions if you will be enrolling your children too.

1 Listener: $250
2 Listeners: $350
3 Listeners: $400

*If you are interested in registering more than 3 listeners, please reach out to me directly for assistance


How is The Safe and Sound Protocol integrated into this group program?

As a part of this group program, you, your partner, and/or child will be given access to The Safe and Sound Protocol . This program is 5 hours of specifically filtered music to help tone the vagus nerve. During workshop 1, I will go over the program, grant you access, and walk through how to structure listening sessions over the course of the coming weeks. On average, children will listen 15-30 minutes per day until the 5 hours are complete. Adults will typically listen for 30-45 minutes per day until the 5 hours are complete.

What do I need to get started with SSP?

During workshop 1 of the group program you will be granted access to the SSP platform. The platform is hosted through a mobile app that you can access on either an iPhone or Android. You will find all playlists within this app. We provide a separate playlist for adults. All participants MUST use over ear (not on ear or ear buds) for listening to the SSP. Noise canceling headphones will not work. You must be able to turn off the noise canceling option. For those using wired headphones, you may need to purchase an adapter so that they can attach to your phone. The music is only available through your phone or iPad, not on desktop. Outside of these pieces of technology, you will also need a calm, quiet environment in which to administer the SSP. A room with the door closed or outside in nature are good places to start.

Can I also listen to the SSP with my child?

If you are going through the SSP along with your children, I highly recommend listening at a different time than your child. We will go over this more during our first session, but please find a separate time to do your SSP listening during the day. This is because, during the listening, you serve as the grounded, co-regulator for your child. The music will take them up and down the autonomic ladder, and at times, the music can feel dysregulating for your child. It’s important that you as the parent or caretaker are in a calm, grounded state during the listening to help your child regulate.

What kind of music does the SSP play?

The adult playlist has two options listed below. Both will be in your account and you can decide which suits you best.
1) Popular Adult Songs (Taylor Swift, Cat Stevens, The Beatles, U2)
2. A Classical Playlist

Your child will have access to a children’s playlist to listen to during SSP. This playlist includes kids songs from movies like Frozen and Lion King. The music is run through a specific algorithm that engages middle tones more frequently. It works as a metaphorical treadmill for the nervous system. At times, the music can sound slightly hollow or “tin-like”.

What is the weekly time commitment like for this course?

On top of meeting for 60 minutes 1x weekly, you will be taking yourself and/or your child through the SSP listening 6-7x per week. Depending on your unique nervous system, you and/or your child will be listening anywhere from 15-45 minutes per day. Please allow time before and after to set up a quiet, calm environment and to integrate and discuss the SSP after you’re done. In total, I recommend you set aside about 45 minutes per day while completing the SSP. I understand sometimes things happen and you have to miss a day of listening – no problem. Just pick it right back up the next day.

We will go through this in more detail on our first call together.

What if I can’t attend one of the live classes?

All modules will be recorded and emailed out after on the same day. I do highly recommend you attend live, as being a part of the community can have a big impact on your group program experience. You must watch Module 1 all the way through before beginning the SSP program. Joining live is also a great way to get your questions answered live in the Q+A at the end.

Do you offer payment plans?

I do not offer payment plans at this time, but hope to in the near future!

What if I have multiple children or family members who would like to participate?

If you have multiple family members who would like to participate in the SSP you can select the 3 listeners option at checkout. If you are interested in registering more than 3 listeners, please reach out to me directly for assistance Please note, playlists cannot be shared between members. Each listener has their own account with their own playlist so it can start and stop where listeners have left off. This may require multiple email addresses if multiple family members sign up. If that is the case, I will reach out to you directly after you’ve signed up to help create accounts.

How often will you be running this program?

I run this program 4x per year.

When does registration for the program close?

We have not announced dates for our May cohort yet. Join the waitlist for details and to get access to sign up first!

How is the content delivered?

The live module calls will be held via Zoom. The SSP listening program itself is hosted via a mobile app. We will walk through those details during our first call.

Can I access the SSP listening once the group program is complete?

Once the group program is complete you will no longer have access to the SSP listening music. This is because I do not recommend listening again for at least 3-4 months. The nervous system is attuning and rewiring after the listening is done, so it’s important to give it time to continue to strengthen. If you or other listeners have not completed the SSP by the time the group program is done, please reach out to and we will come up with a special arrangement.

How much does the program cost?

The program is a one-time payment of $250 for 1 listener, $350 for 2 listeners and $400 for 3 listeners. For reference, most tend to sign themselves up along with their partners and children so the entire family is completing the course and SSP together.